Sunday, 9 February 2014

Friday 7th and Saturday 8th February 2014.

A joint seminar on critical pedagogies and public art practices with participants from the School of Creative and Cultural Industries and the School of Education’s MEd Artist Teacher programme, at Room 13, Caol Primary School, Fort William on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th February 2014. 

Participating artists from Room 13, with Nicola Atkinson (NADFLY) and Lee Ivett. Convened by Diarmuid McAuliffe and Graham Jeffery, the workshop will explore the approaches and ideas from the AHRC Connected Communities funded “Odd Numbers” participatory public art project in Milton, North Glasgow, which is part of a larger research project called Remaking Society: Realising the potential of cultural activities in contexts of deprivation. It will also explore concepts of critical pedagogy and socially engaged public art practice, with participants drawn from Room 13 young people, the wider community, academics, artists and visual arts teachers.